
时间:2022-04-05 08:00:00 来源:妈妈好孕网 作者: 阅读数:153


内容简介Artist Liz Climo has charmed her fans with her comic world of whimsical animal characters, where everyone from grizzly bears, dinosaurs, rabbits, and anteaters grapple with everyday life with wit and humor. Through her comics, we discover that an armadillo can dress for Halloween, a dinosaur can be a loving parent ... and a rhino can squeeze orange juice This new collection features more than 100 of her comics, starring her beloved characters in all kinds of funny situations, from celebrating holidays to helping friends.

Liz Climo is a character artist for The Simpsons TV series and has worked on The Lebrons and Seth Macfarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy. She also the author of Le Petit Monde de Liz, a comic collection published in France as well as a forthcoming children’s book. She lives in Los Angeles.

作者简介 Liz本身就是一个很有启发性的人物,高中时被老师嫌弃画得过于“卡通”,美术学院毕业后,她的作品被导师拒之门外,后来她参加了《辛普森一家》的动画队,这才让她有了继续绘画的自信。






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